Two days ago, I suddenly decided that I must make some food for Hubby to try before he got back to work (his MC was going to end soon). Since he was still staying at home, he could try my food the minute it came out from the oven - freshly baked. I tried my 2nd attempt on the cupcakes again. This time, the look was better. But the taste, I gave myself 6 out of 10, cos not so spongy as I expected. However Hubby had given me a lot of face, while I was still baking the cakes in batches (as I only have one 12 hole tray for my mini cupcakes), he had stuffed many of them into his stomach. Asher tried a few of them while Aron refused to eat after taking a bite, when he realised there were chocolate chips in the cakes. Aron is not a kid who likes chocolate chips and creamy cakes.
I also made something more refreshing on the same day - Mango Sago, after reading thru the recipe, I thought it was simple enough for me to start as my first dessert. Well, with my 2 mothers who don't take dairy products, I had to prepare 2 versions of Mango Sago, one with milk , one without milk. After tasting, my boys didn't appreciate the dessert, so the adults had more shares.
There were more praises for the Mango Sago than the cupcakes. MIL finished most of the "no milk" version, while my Hubby finished all the rest of the "with milk" version, without leaving a spoonful for me, despite of the soury mangoes. For a man who hates sour taste, I don't know if the dessert was really that good (I added sweetener) or he just wanted to show his full support for me. I felt flattered when my sis-in-law wanted to get the recipe from me. For this dessert, I gave myself 8 out of 10. The only thing that spoilt the taste was the soury mangoes which I got the fruit seller to select for me, I would not trust this fellow again. I already told him that I wanted to make dessert on that day and instructed him to pick the sweet ones for me. But still I got some really sour ones. The fruit seller still dare to put there "gurantteed sweet". I went back to the fruit stall the next day, and wanted to give that fellow a good scolding. He was lucky that he was not there. But I still complaint to his colleague. Well what else can I do...
Afterall, I am quite satisfied with the food I had prepared for the family. Lets see what other simple recipes I can try for next week.
Maybe for the future gathering with friends, Mango Sago will become my signature dessert.
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11 years ago