From my last blog since last year, a few times when I tried to update my blog, I was interrupted half way. For most of the time, they come from the same interruptions - mum complained about the maid. With those interruptions, all the thoughts and feelings which I wanted to pen down floated away with the swing of my moods.
The maid came last Dec. She is the 9th maid employed under my name since 2005. On the average I changed a maid every 6 months. I am quite immune to the changes and complains by now. This maid is unlikely to make any miracles... I felt sorry for them, but I can't do anything to help.
My life have been smooth sailing in almost everything. The only and biggest setback would be my differences with my mum over maid's issues. To deal with a mentally strong will, obsessive with control, verbally abusive, but physically weak and almost threateningly suicidal old people is just as draining as taking care of a difficult child.
Some friends ever suggested, instead of letting her stay at home with nothing to focus on, try send her to day care centre, where she could make friends, get occupy with various activities as well as get professional care. I know she has too much pride to accept this kind of arrangement. Most of all, I am too afraid such suggestion would trigger a major 'blow' to her. Doc say she could just collapse and go any time. For such unpredictable life span she had left, its really too much risk to give her such "big blow".
Since CNY, mum has been complaining of gastric and stomach pain, almost everyday. She has been taking panadols to relieve the pain for the past 1 1/2 months. She had lost some weight (maybe about 33kg now) with a drop of her already small appetite. Sent her to SGH A&E, but the doc says she is NOT critical enough to be warded and the earliest scan they can arrange was 3 weeks later. Guess only the almost dying patients will get the immediate attention. Those "won't die so soon" ones will have to go home & wait. Right now, she is still taking panadols as and when, with enough strength to complain about the maid.
For now, I am thankful that i have rather easy children to handle, and a dutifully mother-in-law to help take care of them in the day. I felt sorry that I have to put them in MIL's house, but I really wish to keep them away from the negative ions floating in my house. Cos, with them around, it didn't help make any better for my mum. Instead, the maid get more scolding with more mess to clean up.
As for me, my job scope now is:
- Standby for any emergencies
- Follow up with mum's medical appt (4 appts this month with SGH)
- Handle mum's lunches
- Handle mum and maid's disputes
- Volunteer work with the kindergarten
- Community work with ALife
- Send the children to and fro enrichment classes
- Attend baking classes
- Any ad hoc matters
- And of course a little personal time for myself
Wow! I could finish penning the blog today without interruption. Its a great day, isn't it!
15 years ago