It has been thunder storm for these few days. Seems gloomy... For a very very long time, I had not seen a real rainbow.
Few days ago, after a down pour in the late afternoon, I finally got to see a big beautiful rainbow appearing in the sky. It is a pity that my house is not facing in the direction of the rainbow, no wonder I haven't been able to catch hold of it. It was at MIL's house that we could see so clearly, the wide view of the whole rainbow.
This was the first time that both my boys saw a real rainbow. At first, Aron was a little taken back and he ran in to the middle of the house, far away from the window. After a few more glimpse, with running to and fro from the window to peep, he kind of got use to the "strange image", and finally settled down with much ease.
Asher is the braver boy, who can accept the "strange image" in a very short time. I think he fell in love with it, that he actually said a prayer, out of his own initiative. (Well, he has been sent to an Anglican kindergarten school, that is why he know about praying). As per his request, I closed my eyes (peeping at him secretly), put my hands together, just as he did. Aron followed.
Asher said something like this: "For the beautiful rainbow, thank you. I hope to see the rainbow again, with the sun and rain, Amen." For the moment, I felt touched. Asher has grown to become appreciative, for something that is not material, something that he cannot own, something that he can only see from a distant. This is just pure appreciation of what he thinks is beautiful to him. I am so proud and thankful to have such a sweet boy. I just hope that this kind of appreciation will stay with him for a long time.
Soon after the rainbow disappeared. I was feeling a bit down, I did not know when I could see the rainbow again. It just gave me a very blissful feeling and a belief that nature can be so beautiful.
To cover up my little sadness and dissappointment, I taught the boys about the seven colours which form the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Asher drew and coloured it as I guided him through the sequence.
Yesterday, for a second time, we caught the rainbow again, after another storm. I told Asher:"See, because you said your prayer, that's why the rainbow appeared again." Not that I have belief in the religion, but it is a good way for Asher to continue to express his appreciation and have faith in things that he wanted to happen.
So, the mummy holding the 2 boys, stood by the window, looking into the sky, for a long time. This time, we tried to catch every single colour and enjoyed every moment of togetherness. Of course, this is also one of the most enjoying moment of motherhood.
Asher said the similar prayer again, followed by Aron singing the prayer songs he learnt in school, which amused the grand-parents and everyone else in the house.
While I appreciate Asher's sweetness and gentleness, Aron's cheekiness and all his funny actions would also melt my heart.
15 years ago
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