As I imagined the scene, I started to tremble a little. It reminded me of what happened to Aron on last Thursday.
On that evening, while Ah Mah was busy in the kitchen, my dear son, Aron, suddenly had a "genius" idea. He took the bamboo stick holder, without Ah Mah noticing, walked to the hall and started to "poked" at the old fashion clock hanging high above the wall. Without much guessing, yes - the clock fell. It fell right onto his forehead, bounced away and landed on the floor, about 2 metres away from him. The glass panel, in deed, shattered into small pieces.
Aron was left with a small cut on his forehead, with the rest of the body unhurt. He held on to the bamboo stick holder tightly, even after the shock and the pain sank in.
It could have been worse - much worse. The glass panel could have shattered into pieces from the impact of hitting on Aron's head. Without much explanation, you can imagine, the glass fragments cutting all over his head, face and body. Or maybe a slightly better scenerio, the clock fell right onto the floor, without bouncing off from Aron's head, and the glass probably would shattered right at his feet and cut his legs.
All these possibilities only sank into me much later after the incident happened. I could only explained that the Buddha must have protected and sheltered Aron away from the mishap. He probably wanted to teach Aron a lesson by just giving him a "light" punishment with the small cut on his head.
"Thank you, Buddha, that you have bo pi bo pi my dear son."
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