Finally, I quit the part-time job.
Before I started on this part-time job, I couldn't fully convince myself of being a full time stay-at-home tai tai, especially when my house doesn't need me to do cleaning, when my family doesn't need me to prepare their meals, so I thought I should must well contribute to the family financially. Taking up this part-time job was a trial for myself and for my family.
Now, I am fully convinced that I should stay at home... still don't have to do cleaning & prepare all the meals. I have found my true purpose of staying at home.
Recently I saw a documentary on the TV, about the right brain training programme. I have heard about this term long ago, but have never really been interested to find out more about the details. But from the programme, I came to realise how this type of training could benefit the children's learning ability. Its is a brain stimulation programme which helps the children to absorb things faster, increase their memory power and focus, develops their IQ & EQ, widen their creativity, imagination and increase confidence, through a series of activities and regular mental exercise. This form of training could in fact start as early as from birth, up to the age of 6. My sons are aready reaching 3 & 4. But still its better to start now than not doing it at all.
I have always been very lost about how to create an interesting learning envioronment for my children. I couldn't come out with good ideas on creating fun games and acitivites for them. I ended up buying lots of activity books for them, which Asher will choose to do on the pages he likes and Aron just interested in pasting stickers, and scribbling on the books. I was so worried about pulling down their potential of development. Yes, I had been thinking about sending them to art classes, music classes, drama classes & phonics classes, but at the same time, I am concern about overloading them and the financial burden, when I am not even sure what is their true interest.
When I came across this programme, I realise that the most important thing now is to increase their learning interest and ability, create an opportunity for them to be eager to learn (in just anything). Only when this is developed, then they will be able to find out what is their real interest (be it music, art, sports, etc), and they will be automatically asked to go for these courses. They will also pick things up faster.
After doing some research with a few schools, I decided to put Asher into the course right away, no more delay (so I gave up on the school which wants me to wait for another half a year for the next intake). Asher has very strong memory power, and good focus. He also enjoys problem solving. I am so eager to make sure his potential is being developed from this very moment. Not that I am expecting him to become genius, but I don't want to waste anymore time, before the best time to start is over.
However, to see effective results, I also learn that we cannot just count on the school. Lots of training needs to be done at home as well. While I see that Asher is enjoying the lessons, I am also keen to learn the training technics & methods from the teacher.
While I was working in the office, half the time I couldn't concentrate on my work. I kept thinking about the activities I could conduct with the kids, and secretly did some research on the internet, as and when nobody was watching. After a while, my guilt conscious sank in, cos I knew my heart was not on the job. Well, in the first place, the job nature was already not my cup of tea - telemarketing. I felt as if I was working like an insurance agent. So, now that I found out my true purpose of staying at home, I must well don't waste anymore time.
From now on, I primary focus will be attending the trainings with my kids, pick up the skills from the teachers, do research, source and make my own materials and have fun with them every evening. They shall have fun and learn at the same time. This is my ideal way of educating them, as well as creating a positive bonding with them.
My secondary focus is to make use of my new mini oven - start with some REAL simple recipes. Yes, MUST be idiot proof recipes.