Wednesday, July 1, 2009

School Holiday - Again?

Finally the June holiday is over. The boys had gone back to school for 2 days. I thought life would be less tiring for me as I got some weekdays to rest.

After a month long of holiday, as I expected, Aron was reluctant to go to school. I have to sweet talk him into wearing his uniform and use "carrot" method to get him into the car.

Last night, after the 2n day of school, we got 2 calls from the school, the 2 teachers of the 2 boys called to inform us that school will be closed for 2 weeks, as a staff is infected with H1N1. While I tried to find out which zone does this "staff" belong to, I only manage to get the teacher to say its NOT from K1 or Nursery.

Then, late in the night, I got a call from a friend whose child also studied in the same school. She heard from someone that the person who got infected is Aron's teacher! She had travelled to Malaysia and was having slight cough on the 1st day of school.

While I understand why the teacher was trying to hide this fact (maybe they are trying not to make the parents too alarmed or panicked, or didn't want the parents to push the blame to any teacher), I am quite puzzled with the incident.

MOH had already announced that those who travelled to other countries during the last 7 days should quarantine themselves for 7 days before going back to school. If the teacher didn't feel well, she should not be coming to school at all. So why did this happened?

I didn't bother to call the school to find out exactly what happen. I trust the principal should know how to handle this. Now my main concern is to monitor my boys and make sure they are "perfectly" well.

But the extended school holiday is making me moody.

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