Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Projects

Have been so busy lately. Busy with what? Well, busy with the children school projects, busy with searching for the school holiday programmes, busy with doing research on the business opportunities...

Just completed my children projects. Wonder if they are their projects or MY projects, since I am the one doing more job than them. First Asher's class was being assigned to do a project using wood material. I am really not a wood or technical person. If only Asher is in the other class which was assigned to decorate paper bags, I would be most happy to take on the job. So I threw this technical job to the man of the house. But he too could not come out with a fantastic idea. After waiting so many days for him to come out with an impressive plan, I began to run out of patience. One night, while I was sleeping with my subconscious mind still working, a picture just came into my eyes. So, I decided to go ahead and work on it. With the help of the Grandpa's technical skill, Ta da...

After submitting the project to the teacher, one morning, Aron's teacher came up to me and ask me to work with Aron on another project about Different Part of My House. I only have 1 week to work on it. So, in less than a week's time, I "give birth" to another "baby", Ta da...

While the boys are very proud to present their projects to the teachers and friends, Daddy is not very satisfied with the productions, because they are too beautiful to represent our son's "true" and "genuine" capability. If that is the case, I think I should leave the job to Daddy to handle next time.

Then, I have to start planning and searching for some school holiday programmes and trips, so as to maximise and utilise the time fruitfully. Well, now my only resources is from the internet, since I hardly got the chance to socialise outside and get info from the other mummies in school. The school have been restricting parents from entering ever since the H1N1 scarce. Facing the PC is definitely more tiring than talking to the mummies. It is to the extend that I suspect my eyesight is deteriorating due to long hours on the net. Plus, it is also quite brain draining to consider so many factors, such as the costs, the timing to match all the programmes, the locations, holidays which and meet the whole family's needs, etc. With only 1 & half weeks away from the holiday, I am still working hard on it.

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